Team Treatment

At RMA Ortho we work as a team. Your orthopedic surgeon, his physician assistants and nurses work with you, your family doctor, physical therapist, chiropractor and other specialists who contribute a critical and relevant perspective. Your treatment plan will be on their input, your history, physical examination and imaging studies. Together, we create a realistic, coordinated treatment plan.

Direct Communication

Treatment plans are always individualized and might include combinations of education, physical therapy, targeted exercises, pain management, biofeedback counseling, pharmacology, and other proven techniques. In different combinations, these methods are often successful in resolving problems without surgery. If surgery is recommended, our team will help you evaluate your options and identify the pros and cons. Regardless of the path you choose, you’ll be well informed.

Straight Answers

We work hard to answer your questions and address your concerns. We’ll tell you what to expect at each stage of treatment and recovery, and what it will take to get the results you want.

Mind and Body

To heal the body, you must also heal the mind. At RMA Ortho, we sometimes refer our patients for psychological counseling to complement a treatment plan. Treatment might include sleep therapy, biofeedback, relaxation and pain control techniques, and more. Here again, your participation is essential in creating a treatment plan that works closely with your medical and physical therapies.